From last Thursday to Sunday, six foreign teachers visited our campus and the center of Maaseik. Our school organized a teacher's meeting in preparation for the Erasmus+ exchange project "Food for Thought". The foreign teachers represented our three partner schools: I.S. Giovanni xxiii Cosentino in Marsala (Sicily, Italy), Escola Secundária Vitorino Nemésio (Azores, Portugal) and IES Maria Galiana in Seville (Spain).
During this teacher's meeting, everything was fine-tuned so that students in each country can start their research and eventually present all research results during international meetings in one of the partner schools. In addition to an extensive tour of our school buildings, the foreign teachers also received a number of interactive presentations by our own students from the Erasmus+ seminar. It was already very international and incredibly hospitable on Friday afternoon. Everything in English of course!

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